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Pilgrims who visited the Holy Land between the IV and VII century

The Holy City - Anastasis - Golgotha - Basilica
[20:1-6] The Holy City of Jerusalem
 Ps. 122:2

Holy City of God,
Jerusalem, how I long to stand
even now at your gates,
and go in, rejoicing!

A divine longing for holy Solyma
presses upon me insistently.

Damascus Gate
The Anastasis (Lateran Reliquarium)

The Anastasis today

[20:7-22] The Anastasis (Resurrection)

 Matt 27:57-60 (Burial)
 Matt 28:1-10 (Resurrection)

Let me walk thy pavements
and go inside the Anastasis,
where the King of All rose again,
trampling down the power of death.

I will venerate the sweet floor,
and gaze on the holy Cube,
and the great four...
...like the heavens.

Through the divine sanctuary
I will penetrate the divine Tomb,
and with deep reverence
will venerate that Rock.

And as I venerate that worthy Tomb,
surrounded by its conches
and columns surmounted by golden lilies,
I shall be overcome with joy.

[20:23-42] The Tristoon (Portico)
and the Rock of the Cross
 Matt 27:33-37

Let me pass on to the Tristoon,
all covered with pearls and gold,
and go on into the lovely building
of the Place of a Skull.

Ocean of life ever living
and of the true oblivion.
Tomb that gives light!

And prostrate I will venerate
the Navel-point of the earth, that divine Rock
in which was fixed the wood
which undid the curse of the tree.

How great thy glory,
noble Rock, in which was fixed
the Cross, the Redemption of mankind!

Exultant let me go on to the place
where all of us
who belong to the people of God
venerate the glorious Wood of the Cross.

Let me run to bend the knee
before the artist's picture
representing the Rulers,
to render homage.


The Rock of the Cross

The Crucifixion (Lateran Reliquarium)

Offices in the Holy Sepulchre[20:43-54] The Constantinian Basilica (Martyrium)

And let me go rejoicing
to the splendid sanctuary, the place
where the noble Empress Helena
found the divine Wood;

and go up,
my heart overcome with awe,
and see the Upper Room,
the Reed, the Sponge, and the Lance.

Then may I gaze down
upon the fresh beauty of the Basilica
where choirs of monks
sing nightly songs of worship.

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Project, design, research and realization carried out by Eugenio Alliata ofm
assistant professor of Christian Archaeology at SBF-Jerusalem.
Updated Thu, Dec 9, 1999 at 05:16 by John Abela ofm - Space by courtesy of Christus Rex