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Святой Грааль ЕСТЬ!

Ysatis De Saint-Симон держит в руках Кубок Nanteos

Чаша Гластонбери, мин. Музей, Сомерсет

Nanteos Кубок, дерево

Св. Елизаветы Кубок, горный хрусталь, Египет, с. 100 г. н.э., Staatliches музей, Кобург

Различные чашки, которые утверждают, что Святой Грааль

Грааль имеет много различных проявлений на протяжении всей своей долгой истории, и многие из них утверждали, обладает он или его, как. Так называемый Гластонбери Bowl, бронзовый сосуд Сейчас в Тонтон музей уже давно ассоциируется с центром знаний Грааля, хотя она датируется временем гораздо раньше, чем христианский символ. другую чашку, пожалуй, лучший соперник, а также в Гластонбери , имеет долгую и любопытную историю с участием двух людях, даны указания во время сновидений, один поместите чашку в Чаше Ну, а другие, чтобы найти его там. Потому что он считается священным, он сохранена лишь в качестве личного поклонения и не могут быть воспроизведены здесь.

В Nanteos, в Северном Уэльсе, некогда жили хрупкой деревянной чашке, теперь немного больше, чем ленты, так как края были стерто людей, пьющих из него в надежде исцеления (действительно многие, кажется, нашли лекарства). Как и большинство из этих "Grails" он скрывается сейчас, но в 19 веке это был все еще ​​на виду. Рихард Вагнер приехал, чтобы увидеть его в 1855 году, а позже написал свою великую драму Грааля, Парсифаль , вдохновленный, возможно, при виде кубка.

Св. Елизавета Венгерская, чей образ жизни отражает чистоту и самопожертвование искатель Грааля, была посвящена заботе о бедных и больных. Ее отец был покровителем Вольфрам фон Эшенбах и так она бы слышали историю Парсифаля из первых рук. После ее смерти ее бокал был он выполняет чудесные исцеления на тех, кто из него пил.

В центре Nanteos Cup - он опирается на исторические документы, ведет свою историю весь путь обратно, чтобы Иосиф из Аримафеи, который принес его в Гластонбери. Вокруг Кубок можно увидеть некоторые из тысяч писем благодарности от исцелений сделано Кубок на протяжении веков. Кубок был в Nanteos с 16 -го века. (Джон Мэтьюс "Святой Грааль - Поиски вечного ')

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Nanteos Cup, оливкового дерева чаша

Вверху:. Кубок Nanteos Как аббатство Гластонбери было уничтожено семь монахи бежали в Уэльсе с оливковых дерева чаша, говорят, что на Кубок Тайной Вечери. Вода прошла из миски, как утверждается, обладала чудодейственной силой исцеления . (Малькольм Годвин - "Святой Грааль")

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Когда саксы захватили Сомерсет в 725 AD кельтской церкви был снесен и заменен здания утвержденной Риме. Во время его сноса Кубка было обнаружено. Он был вложен в коробку с документальным подтверждением его истории и драгоценных значения. Кубок держалась бенедиктинцами до 1539, когда Генрих VIII объявил о роспуске монастырей, в это время Эббот и шесть старших монахов бежали »над непроходимые горы ' в Уэльсе, где они остались в Strata Флориде в мир и покой. В конце три года, дошел слух до этого уединенного места и эмиссары Генриха были на пути ограбить этого монастыря.

Рихард Вагнер посетил Nanteos Manor, увидел кубок, и был настолько вдохновлен, что он начал писать свою знаменитую оперу о Святом Граале, "Парсифаль".
Nanteos Кубок имеет документально истории, которые можно проследить весь путь назад к Иосиф Аримафейский. Она хранится в миску Горный хрусталь вложен в коробку с документальным подтверждением его истории и драгоценных значения. Это также Кубок, которая вдохновила великого немецкого композитора Рихарда Вагнера, чтобы написать свою знаменитую оперу по Святой Грааль, "Парсифаль" - которую он начал писать в то время как в Nanteos.

Вода прошло с деревянной миске, как говорят, чудодейственной силой исцеления.

Иосиф Аримафейский изображен на этой 14 -й век Иллюстрация Распятия, получив Кровь Иисуса в деревянную чашу Тайной Вечери, судно таким образом освящены, станет известно, как кубок Святого Грааля. Британская библиотека , Лондон
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My Quest for the True Holy Grail

My Quest for the True Holy Grail by Ysatis De Saint-Simone

Picture below: Lady Elizabeth M. . . who has the right of legal guardianship of the Holy Grail, granted to her by the Court of England, thus, the actual and sole legal Holy Grail’s keeper (holding the Cup), Debbie Meitz (forward), and Ysatis De Saint-Simone (center).

Lady Elizabeth, Ysatis de Saint-Simone, Debbie Meitz


Joseph of Arimathea and the Holy Grail (14th century Illustration of the Crucifixion)

Picture above: Joseph of Arimathea is depicted in this 14thCentury Illustration of the Crucifixion, receiving the Blood of Jesus in the wooden cup of the Last Supper, the Vessel thus hallowed, becomes known as the Cup of the Holy Grail. The British Library, London MS Add 10292



Ysatis De Saint-Simone holding in her hands the Nanteos Cup

Ysatis De Saint-Simone holding the Nanteos Cup




‘The Holy Grail is not just a symbol, neither a child of the flesh, nor indeed, the 'bones of Mary Magdalene', as The Da Vinci Code claims!’ Says Ysatis.


This is a question that has puzzled many great minds for centuries, and with good reason, because it can’t be answered accurately with simplicity. The nature of the Grail will dawn on each one of us differently -- for all of us are searching for the Holy Grail -- but not all as a full time career: Is It the way to holiness? Is It the Vessel in which Jesus performed the Greatest Miracle that was ever performed on earth -- the Miracle of the Transubstantiation? Is it the 'bloodline of Jesus' or the 'bones of Mary Magdalene' ? Is It the Vessel that held His blood, the Christ Force? Is It the Holy Shroud of Turin? Is It the Spear of Longinus, the spear that pierced the heart of the Christ or Center of the Power that is the origin of Life and sustains the Universe? Is it a stone, or just an idea?

It is easy to make wild and speculative claims about the Holy Grail, but if the Grail is only one of these things, we can intelligently conclude that the Holy Grail is not a thing to be treated lightly.

When Parsifal asks Gurnemanz, ‘What is the Grail?’

Picture Below: Ysatis De Saint-Simone holding the Nanteos Cup

Ysatis De Saint-Simone holding the Nanteos CupGurnemanz, wisely replies:

‘I may not say:
But if to serve It thou be bidden,
Knowledge of It will not be hidden --
And lo!’
Me thinks I know thee now indeed,
No earthly road to It doth lead,
By no one can It be detected
Who by Itself is not elected.

The words of wisdom of Gurnemanz to Parsifal became clear and true in my own life experience, when Divine Grace and Faith helped me to find the whereabouts of the Sacred and elusive Hallow and led me to the Cup of Grace and Miracles called the Holy Grail. . . says Ysatis De Saint-Simone, ‘for I, as well as Parsifal, refused to believe that the Grail was just ‘a Legend’ or ‘a Universal Symbol’ as many have called It. I knew that Jesus had the Grail in His hands, so It was real and It was somewhere - and I felt that there was One Thing in this world that I desired. . . To find, Know, Comprehend and Serve the Holy Grail!’





The words of Gurnemanz and her feelings that Sacred Things given to us are intimate and difficult to project to others with the power and purity they have, especially when it concerns a Mystery like the Holy Grail, are the reasons why Ysatis stayed silent until now. She also felt, as did the author of the ‘Grand Saint Graal’ who saw and touched the Grail twice before he wrote his experience, that it was better to remain anonymous for these three reasons:

Anyone who heard him say that He had been led by God’s Grace to the Holy Grail, which is the Mystery of mysteries, the Holiest of all Hallows, would call me vile, arrogant or a liar.

Anyone who was personally acquainted with me being the author of the ‘Adventure’ would probably not find me worthy of it, or the account worthy of reading, for we all know that familiarity breeds contempt ‘no one is a prophet in his or her own land.’

Anyone who would find ‘errors’ in my account according to theology, or any of the scholarly accepted concepts about the Grail, or mistakes in grammar would besmirch my name forever.

An honorable intent that Ysatis found wise and decided to follow -- but that now she has decided to break for good reason:

‘To set the things straight that ‘The Da Vinci Code’ is setting ‘crooked.

And not because, ‘people cannot have a different opinion about things,’ but because relative conclusions, theories and opinions that naturalize a Subject such as this are treacherous, not only because the Grail will remain a hidden Mystery for those who believe them, but also the mystery of their own True Nature, as the Holy Grail is linked in the most profound and mysterious sense to our human journey towards the divine.

We, ordinary people, are on this earth trying to live our own lives safely, and evolve back to our original unlimited state of Being the best we can. It is a ‘brain-fact’ that we can only find a treasure if we believe it exists, and can only become what we believe we have the potential to become. Consequently, believing in the Divine and Transcendental, particularly in this case, is extremely important for our own evolution, and on the same token, degrading and naturalizing what is Superior to our human level is devastating to our soul.

The Holy Grail can perform the greatest alchemy in a person, it has the power to draw an ordinary person from its painful human limits and everyday life into a magic Quest that everyone who wants to can undertake silently, quietly and humbly. A Quest of Redemption that leads to a place where the Majesty of Deity embraces our humanity, providing a nobler vision of our nature and of reality than that of war, poverty and a materialized daily existence deprived of values and love.

A place where we can find the Philosopher’s Stone, that ‘Stone that fell from Heaven’ and which has the Power to bestow Eternal Youth. . . .

All mysteries demand to be ‘Penetrated, Comprehended and Known’ rather than to invalidate them by dissecting them with our mind’s ‘relative opinions.’ It is good to take that into account, especially when we are dealing with the Holy Grail, which is the Mystery of mysteries because the Holy Grail redeems in us what has been held in the bondage of the senses and thus brings into our lives and the world a New Principle of Love. Today the intelligence, the intellect reigns. By the Grace of the Grail in the future it will be Impersonal Love.

If we allow those with a relative vision of Transcendental Things to lead us nowhere with the limited view of their limited minds, we are not going to advance an inch on the path towards the Unlimited. Know also these relative minds can never be accurate in their conclusions, no matter how hard they try, because an opinion given about Things of this Nature -- as it happens in Quantum Science -- is accurate only relative to the point of observation and the capacity of the observer to grasp what he or she is observing.

The Grail is a Mystery, and It will always remain a mystery if we don’t Know It. It is an enigma, profound and real -- It demands a Quest, It demands to be found, for It is of paramount importance for our evolution. One cannot define It, one can say no more. . .


The Glastonbury Bowl, Somerset

The Glastonbury Bowl, Br. Museum, Somerset

The Nanteos Cup, Wood

The Nanteos Cup, Wood

The St. Elizabeth Cup, Staatliches Museum, Coburg

The St. Elizabeth Cup, Rock Crystal, Egypt, c. 100 AD, Staatliches Museum, Coburg

Various cups that claim to be the Holy Grail

The Grail has had many different manifestations throughout its long history, and many have claimed to posses it or its like. The so-called Glastonbury Bowl, a bronze vessel now in Taunton Museum has long been associated with the centre of Grail lore, though it dates from a time much earlier than the Christian symbol.

Another cup, perhaps the best contender, and also at Glastonbury, has a long and curious history involving two people being given instructions during dreams, one to place the cup in Chalice Well, and the other to find it there. Because it is considered to be sacred, it is kept purely for private worship and cannot be reproduced here.

At Nanteos, in North Wales, once resided a frail wooden cup, now little more than a sliver, since the edges have been worn away by people drinking from it in the hope of being healed (indeed many seem to have found cures). Like most of these 'Grails' it is kept hidden now, but during the 19th century it was still on view. Richard Wagner came to see it in 1855, and later wrote his great drama of the Grail, Parsifal, inspired perhaps by the sight of the Cup.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary, whose way of life reflected the purity and self-sacrifice of the Grail seeker, was devoted to the care of the poor and sick. Her father was the patron of Wolfram von Eschenbach and so she would have heard the story of Parzival at first hand. After her death her goblet was said to have performed miraculous cures upon those who drank from it.

At the center the Nanteos Cup -- It rests on the historic documents that trace its history all the way back to Joseph of Arimathea, who brought It to Glastonbury. Around the Cup can be seen some of the thousands of letters of gratitude from the healings done by the Cup throughout the centuries. The Cup was in Nanteos since the 16th Century. (John Matthews ‘The Holy Grail -- Quest for the Eternal’)


The Nanteos Cup, olive wood bowl

Above: The Nanteos Cup. As Glastonbury Abbey was destroyed seven monks fled to Wales with an olive wood bowl, said to be the Cup of the Last Supper. Water passed from the bowl is claimed to have miraculous healing powers. (Malcolm Godwin -- ‘The Holy Grail’)



After the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, in view of his formal identification of Jesus, could no longer keep his family ties (he was the uncle of Mary, Jesus’ Mother) nor his discipleship a secret, and was accordingly, with other followers of Jesus, persecuted by the Jewish hierarchy. He was obliged to seek refuge in another land, and sailing along the Mediterranean, came to Marseille. It is believed he was accompanied by his son Josephus, the Bethany family, Zaacheus, and others mentioned by Rabanus (Magdalene College, Oxford, No. 29 in Library Catalogue). Some settled in the Rhone Valley and some continued their journey to Morlaix with Joseph where they took ship for southwest Britain. Following the inlet from the Bristol Channel they landed at the Wirral, Glastonbury, about one mile from the Tor. (J.W.Taylor ‘The Coming of the Saints’ , page 175). Many legends grew around the story of Joseph, where most historians of Glastonbury were monks.

In the earliest documents Joseph is referred to as Joseph de Marmore of Arimathea (‘Joseph of Arimathea’ Rev. Smithett Lewis, M.A., page 94). ‘Mar’ is an Eastern term for ‘Lord’ and ‘more’ or ‘mawr’ signifies ‘Great.’ Therefore Joseph’s full title was, ‘The Great Lord Joseph of Arimathea,’ a title in keeping with his birth as a Prince of the House of David. Joseph was the brother of Joachim, the father of Mary, the Mother of Jesus and thus, His granduncle.

Joseph and his party were welcomed by King Arviragus (Caractacus), whose friend he was, and housed temporarily at the Sanctuary or ‘City of Refuge,’ Glastonbury -- this time Joseph came not on business but rather as a missionary, the eleven disciples of Joseph of Arimathea are not identifiable with our Lord’s disciples: it included the Bethany family, his son, and others. Their mission was the forging of four significant links between Glastonbury and the Holy Land, and the undeniable fulfillment of prophecy. (‘The Story of Glastonbury’ Isabel Hill Elder).

The first notable act of the King Arviragus was to bestow upon these ‘Judean refugees’ XII hides of land free of tax. It is stated at Liber de Soliaco (1619 AD) that at Glastonbury 1 hide of land = 160 acres. With this land grant a document was furnished setting forth the legal aspect of the gift, which gave the recipients many British concessions including the right of citizenship and all the privileges accorded to the Druidic hierarch. Every Druid was entitled to one hide of land, free of tax, freedom to pass unmolested from one district to another in time of war, and many other privileges. This grant is recorded in Domesday Book(Domesday Survey, folio page 249b).

The Last Supper, which circumstantial evidence shows took place at the Upper Room in the town house of Joseph of Arimathea in Jerusalem, who provided not only the room, but also the Dish and the Cup where Jesus performed the Holy Eucharist Miracle. Thus, this Cup became a Hallow of the Holy Grail and since that moment a very sacred treasure to Joseph Marmore and was among the valued objects brought with him to Glastonbury, not for its intrinsic value -- for it was but an ordinary wooden cup such as the ones in everyday use in Palestine -- but because in this Cup our Lord inaugurated the New Covenant with His Blood. ‘This cup is the New Covenant in My Blood’ (Luke XXII, 20).

The Nanteos Cup is considered the most likely candidate to be the only legitimate Holy Grail, or the real Last Supper Cup -- not only because this is the type of cup that was and is still in use in Palestine, but most importantly because of all the historic existing data and the innumerable healing miracles connected to It -- which have been authenticated by the Court of England. It is also a well-known fact that the Cup of the Last Supper was brought by Joseph of Arimathea to Glastonbury as one of his most priceless treasures. It was kept hidden at the Celtic Church at Glastonbury, which he founded in 37 A.D. and so was the Nanteos Cup.

When the Saxons overran Somerset in 725 A.D. the Celtic Church was demolished and replaced by a building approved by Rome. During its demolition the Cup was discovered. It was enclosed in a box with documentary evidence of Its history and precious value. The Cup was kept by the Benedictines until 1539 when Henry VIII announced the dissolution of the Monasteries, at which time the Abbot and six older monks fled ‘over the impassable mountains’ into Wales where they stayed in Strata Florida in peace and quietness. At the end of three years, tidings came to this secluded spot and the emissaries of Henry were on their way to despoil this Monastery.

Obliged to flee again, this time they arrived to Nanteos Manor situated near Aberystwyth, where the Lord of the Manor gave them shelter. Gradually the monks passed away, and as his end approached the Abbot gave the sacred charge to keep the Holy Cup in their family’s possession ‘until the True Church claims It her own.’

Richard Wagner visited Nanteos Manor, saw the Cup, and was so inspired that he started to write his famous Opera about the Holy Grail, ‘Parsifal.’

Water passed from the Wooden Bowl is said to have miraculous healing powers.



First and foremost because Ysatis is one of very few human beings who has been guided to the elusive Sacred Relic, and has had in her hands the Cup that has a history that can be traced all the way back to Joseph of Arimathea. The same Cup that has been searched for by King Arthur's Knights and innumerable people throughout the centuries, even in our days -- and which is still in hiding. And that means that Divine Providence Wills it so. . . .

Therefore, her approach is that of one of the few human beings who have seen, touched, and drank from the Sacred Hallow, plus that of one graced with a Miracle, because she experienced not only the Miracle of finding the Grail, but also the Miracle within herself of the power the Grail has to draw our soul to Itself when she drank from Its healing waters. That inexpressible Miracle explained in the Grail legends as the ‘miraculous food which nourishes the noblest part of man, this celestial food which only the Holy Grail contains and has the power to heal body and soul’ and that she had when she drank the Healing Waters from the Cup believed to be the one made sacred by Jesus the Christ in the Last Supper!

She likened the change in her self to the miraculous change that Jesus effected on the base substances of bread and wine into His Body and Blood. So, she has first hand experience by Grace of ‘that place where you scarcely move, yet swiftly seem to run, that place where Space and Time become One’ a gift Divine granted by the Grace of the Sacred Hallow called Holy Grail to her.

Added to that is her dedicated and extensive research of facts, time and places that helped her, indeed a normal human being, to find the Holy Grail and unravel the myriad of misleading theories about It.

We feel that this is in Itself an experience all people who love Jesus, and are intrigued by the Holy Grail, would like to hear about.

Some people who know her theorize that she may be the reincarnation of Mary Magdalene because she has certain gifts like ‘understanding with ease high Theological Truths,’ a gift that has been recorded the Magdalene had; an enormous love and reverence for Jesus the Christ; most importantly her true instincts, Love and her devotion about the Grail; the uncanny way in which she was guided to It; the Grace of the Grail Miracle she was granted; and a deep Understanding of Its Mystery, and also female beauty.

When asked about this subject. She has always said that ‘These things are a mystery and about this question, it is better to stay ‘in the here and now.’ With the story of the ‘Da Vinci Code’ coming out, there will probably be thousands of (claimed) Mary Magdalene reincarnations around. . . And who one was in the past that is not important. What is important is to do now, yes, do what Mary Magdalene would do, she would ‘defend Jesus’ when He is being misunderstood by the base conclusions of our materialized minds. It is for you all to make your own conclusions.

Does anyone need more reasons to grant a public interview to someone that has the truth? That should be enough. Or is it that we are more connected to false theories and empty sensationalism than to that which truly can help us comprehend the Mystery of the Holy Grail?



The Nanteos Cup is the one that Ysatis De Saint-Simone searched many years for, and that she was literally led to, and that she not only held in her hands, but was blessed with a miracle of Divine Grace granted to her. A Miracle of the Water, which was witnessed by her two friends and by Mrs. . . ., and her daughter -- who afterwards wrote to her speaking about the water ‘incident’ and confirming that they considered it a miracle, because it was a phenomenon they had never witnessed before.

The Miracle of the water happened when generously Mrs. . . .offered Ysatis some water from the Grail, which has performed many cures. After 12 small bottles they have there to offer water for healing purposes were filled with water that had been put in the Cup, and there was still some water left, her daughter addressing Ysatis, said,

‘There’s some water left, would you like some more?’

So, Ysatis said,

‘Thank you so much,’ and seeing that her two friends wanted some but didn’t dare to ask said, ‘maybe my friends would like some water also.’ 

And she filled 6 bottles for each one of them, then seeming a little puzzled she said to Ysatis again,

There is still more water, would you like some more?’

Then, Ysatis said, ‘Oh, thank you! I was just thinking of some friends I have in Los Angeles who would love to have some! Thank you!’

But they all realized that even after filling up 3 dozen bottles with the water that had been poured, without having added any more water to the half bowl, there was still the same amount of water in the Cup. . . So, surprised, showing the bowl to her mother, Mrs. . . .she commented that something odd was happening, something that had never happened before. . . . .The water was still at the same level in the Cup no matter how many bottles she had filled!

So, Mrs. . . .‘comprehending the Will of the Grail,’  that’s how she put it -- asked Ysatis if she wanted to drink the water from the Grail.

‘I would not have dared to ask,’ she said, ‘but I was thinking I would love to hold It in my hands. . . Yes, thank you so much.’

Ysatis says that she cannot explain what happened, because words fall short in front of a Miracle, but she says that as she drank the Water of Miracles, as the Holy Grail’s Water entered her body with the purity that only water has. . . ‘it was as if the miracle was happening within her too, because she could literally feel how the Water of the Grail washed away not only the physical thirst -- as regular water does -- but in the purity of Its silence, the Grail was quenching the Ancestral Desire written in her soul, that Ancestral Drive written in all of us questing for our True Destiny and Nature and finding the real answer to that so very important question, ‘What is the Holy Grail?’

And that is how in silence she comprehended the wisdom of the of words of Gurnemanz, when he says to Parzival,

‘I may not say. . . But if to serve It thou be bidden, Knowledge of It will not be hidden.’

The Nanteos Cup has a documented history that can be traced all the way back to Joseph of Arimathea. It is kept in a Rock Crystal bowl enclosed in a box with documentary evidence of Its history and precious value. This is also the Cup that inspired the great German composer Richard Wagner to write his famous opera based on the Holy Grail, ‘Parsifal’ -- which he started writing while in Nanteos. He was a friend of the ancestors of the actual guardians of the Holy Grail -- who continues in hiding due to threats of fanatics that have also tried to burn the Shroud of Turin a few times and to destroy other Sacred Relics of Christendom.


Biographical Data

Archangel Michael, Archangel of the Holy Grail, and Ysatis

Archangel Michael, the Archangel of the Holy Grail and Ysatis

Ysatis De Saint-Simone was born traveling in a transatlantic coming from Europe to America. She is the daughter of a French diplomat and a Spanish mother and the favorite niece of Consuelo De Saint-Exupery, her creative mentor. Her aunt Consuelo was an artist, sculptor and writer herself, and was the Countess widow of the famous French pilot and writer, Antoine De Saint-Exupery, author of ‘The Little Prince’ the beloved classic. She has written a sequel called ‘The Return of the Little Prince’ telling the reader her true story of how she found that Treasure, that her uncle called appropriately -- ‘Little Prince.’

She was under contract as an *actress with Universal Studios, which she broke after a ‘near-death experience’, which changed her life. While under contract with Universal she worked in‘Airport’ the film starring Burt Lancaster and in various TV shows amongst them ‘Rat Patrol’‘Dragnet’ ‘Bonanza’ and ‘The Name of the Game.’

Ysatis has published various books, amongst them

‘The Era of the Antichrist’
‘Genesis 2000 -- The Forbidden Initiatic Version -- Secret Key to Understand the Mysteries of the Origin and Destiny of the Universe Unveiled -- a Unified Field for Science and Religion’
Jesus -- Stories of His Infancy’
The Passion and the Glory -- The Greatest Love Story of Love Ever Lived’
‘The Story of Mary Magdalene the Woman that Loved Jesus’
‘Home to Happyland’
‘John Smith -- Who Are You?’

She has also lectured in Europe. In Madrid, Spain she was awarded the ‘Silver Medal of Alcala’ by the Jesuits for ‘The Secret of 666 -- The Number of the Beast and ‘The Last 24 Years of Planet Earth.’  Her lectures about the Antichrist and the Cosmogenesis and Apocalypse of Planet Earth disclosed using the Gnostic Marcosian System of Numbers -- a rarely granted high honor for a special intellectual contribution.

She is currently writing a trilogy about the Holy Grail, which comprises her personal experiences which has the title, ‘The Holy Grail -- When the Legend becomes Real’; her interpretation of the classic stories of the Grail, called ‘The Grail, Its Power and Mystery’; and the third one about ‘The Women bearers of the Grail.’  Also a book about the true sexual experience that Self-Realized human beings have with all life called, ‘The Ultimate Orgasm.’

*Malila Saint-Duval is the name Ysatis used as an actress.


Scholarly Books on the Holy Grail:

The History of the Holy Grail by Henry Lovelich (Kraus Reprint, 1981, orig 1874, 1875)
The Grail: From Celtic Myth to Christian Symbol by Roger Sherman Loomis (Columbia Univ Press, 1963)
The Grail Legend by Emma Jung and Marie-Louise van Franz (Sigo Press / Conventure, 1986)
The Grail: A Casebook by Dhira B. Mahoney (Garland Publishing, 2000)
The Holy Grail: Imagination and Belief by Richard Barber (Harvard Univ Press, 2004)
The Oxford Guide to Arthurian Literature and Legend by Alan Lupack (Oxford Univ Press, 2005)
     esp. chapter 4 "The Holy Grail"

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